“I was amazed how well and how quickly the EFT and follow up coaching worked—transforming my self-image in four painless sessions” Amy

What is Emotional Freedom Technique?
Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is a gentle but effective technique that helps to manage and let go of difficult emotions like fear and anxiety by releasing energy blockages and returning the body, mind and emotions to a state of balance and harmony.
Although we are designed to recover from past traumas, emotions can become stuck in the body’s energy system, blocking the energy flow and creating stress. Similar to acupuncture (but thankfully without the needles!), EFT involves clearing energy blockages by tapping on acupuncture points with your fingertips whilst ‘tuning in’ to the emotion or physical symptom
Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful healing technique that is easily taught and extremely empowering for clients.
Essentially, it is a very effective yet gentle method of stimulating the body’s energy system to release negative emotions and restore balance.
The energy system refers to the meridians, which are used in Chinese Acupuncture. These are energy channels that are connected to all of your major organs and run throughout the body. When an acupuncturist works on a patient, they adjust the energy with the use of needles. In EFT the same thing is done but instead your fingers are used to tap on certain points.
Where it all started…
EFT was developed in the US in the 1990s by Gary Craig and has its roots in acupuncture, kinesiology and psychology. It is now spreading very rapidly in the US and in the UK, where the concept is now used in some specialist areas of the National Health Service.
“Someday the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools … as it is for me.” Eric Robins, MD
“EFT offers great healing benefits.” Deepak Chopra, MD
What does EFT involve?
Using EFT involves ‘tuning into’ the issue and then tapping with your fingers on specific acupressure points with your fingers. For example, if you still carry anger towards someone who has hurt you in the past, you would be asked to think about them, and notice how you feel. But you do not have to relive past events. You just have to be aware that the negative feeling is there. Having therefore ‘tuned in’ to it, you are shown which acupressure points to tap, and what words to say as you do so. (Saying a few things also helps to disperse the emotion from the system).
Having done that, you are then asked to think about the person or situation again and check how you feel. Typically, you will notice a significant reduction in the intensity of the feeling. If it’s not completely gone you repeat the process, bringing the intensity down each time until full balance is restored.
All this is done while sitting normally in a chair.
After EFT do feelings return?
Following an EFT session, the dispelled feelings very rarely return. If they do this implies that there is a bit more work to do. Of course, you can still feel angry, fearful or guilty about other things, and it might be appropriate to do so, but if you have thoroughly used EFT for a specific issue, the feeling will not return. Once you have sent the problem ‘downstream’, it does not come back up.
You may still retain the memory of the event you were working on but it will no longer have the emotional charge that it had before.
It is important to note that there may be more than one emotion that needs to cleared, like more than one log jamming the stream. So, using our example, there might be the anger towards the person, but also other emotions such as guilt or sadness. All of these can be addressed separately, and often when you start to disperse one emotion the intensity of others can start reducing straight away.